Located in Copenhagen’s creative Nørrebro, the inventive cocktails at PULP bar are only matched by its innovative spirit.

With everything from Michelin-starred restaurants to indie shops and cafes filled with creatives, Nørrebro seems to have it all, including PULP (Parlour Unites Local People). The standout Copenhagen cocktail bar mixes punk attitude with expertly constructed drinks. Its laid back, yet concentrated approach can be seen through the straightforward interior featuring black-and-white photos, mustard yellow benches, and wooden cafe tables.
The cocktails menu runs deep and features everything from the vodka-based Smash Queen to tea punches to beer, wine, and alcohol-free options. As food goes, there are currently just snacks available, but they may change down the line.
Owner Spaniard Bernabeu tells us…
Please describe PULP Bar as if you’re explaining the experience of walking through the doors and ordering your first drink.
We built a place for you, for your friends and your grandma! Because grandma deserves it too, damn it! We care about a good atmosphere more than anything and if you don’t like having a good time, we don’t discriminate, we can give you a hard time too. We’ll put donuts on your ‘White Russian’, play you some crisp tunes and drink some mother f*%#ng tea together.
How would you describe PULP in a three-word text to a friend that you’re trying to convince to join you?
Mother f*%#ng tea-time!!
Other than PULP, what else is happening in the neighborhood that you’re in?
We have a few other bars around but mostly ‘discount/student’ bars. As for bars like ours, there’s Barking Dog 50 meters from ours. It’s a must.
Aside from Happy Hour, when is the best time to get to the bar?
Regardless of the day of the week, we focus on making sure our energy is consistent day by day. So whether you’re in a mood to just chat at the bar or hang with some friends, the experience shouldn’t be different. The warmth should always be present.
Describe the average drinkers that you serve?
People usually ask “what’s your most popular drink?” (A question we truly adore) but the sales in drinks change from week to week. Meaning the crowd is very versatile. Which worked out for us since we wanted everybody from the neighborhood to drop in.
Please tell us more about your drinks menu.
Our entire menu is signature cocktails. We work really hard just to finish one bloody drink. Sometimes months. It’s like asking which is your favorite child. (It’s Charlie, but don’t tell the others)
What’s your signature drink–or your favorite drink currently on the menu–and why should I order it?
We don’t usually have deadlines or set dates for new menus. It’s good and bad. We like to make sure that every drink is at least 9 out of 10. And that’s not easy. Besides, our free time is almost non-existent, but what to do?
How much do drinks cost?
95Dkk to 135DKK. We don’t have top shelve products as we use everything in our backbar for cocktails and we don’t want to charge more than our top price
Is there anything to eat? If so – what’s your favorite dish on the menu?
Just snacks. Nothing fancy… yet.
What are the distinguishing features of PULP?
You’ll have to come and find out for yourself.
What’s that music we hear playing on the PULP stereo?
We look around and check the clientele. So the music varies in tempo and style depending on who’s in the house.
Mondays: Closed
Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 17:00-01:00
Thursdays: 17:00-02:00
Fridays: 16:00-03:00
Saturdays: 18:00-03:00
Sundays: 18:00-01:00
Reservations can be made via Dineout.
Sankt Hans Torv 3, 2200 København, Denmark