gin cocktails
Vesper Martini Sophisticated, yet simple, “shaken, not stirred,” the most iconic of the James Bond cocktails, the Vesper Martini, first gained attention in the first 007 novel, Casino Royale. Although this was only ordered once…
Created by Renee Griego, Bar Manager of Vaca Restaurant in Costa Mesa, California, the Bella Donna finds gin and whisky coming together to do something more typically done by rum. A more labor-intensive cocktail, “the…
In an effort to take the classic gin and tonic to the next level with a few simple additions, Renee Griego, Bar Manager of Vaca Restaurant in Costa Mesa, California, has created the Nessie. It…
Sweet and tart, the botanicals from the gin and the taste of rose wine are a perfect match for this amazing gin cocktail. Love Buzz is very popular with the gin drinking crowd and a…
Despite the freakishly cold snap that brought frost to some part of the UK this weekend, the pubs are once again reopening, and summer keeps promising to make an appearance, and whether we’re allowed to…
Zaddy’s is a new gin-based, low-alcohol, ready-to-drink, canned cocktail company founded in the San Francisco Bay Area. The beverage is now available all over California, and it’s being distributed by RNDC. Bridging the gap between…
Wilmington, Delaware, has announced a signature cocktail to call its own – The Wilmington. The city, home to 46th President Elect Joe Biden, in partnership with Aviation American Gin, dedicates the drink to make a…
Malfy Gin has teamed up with Pasta Evangelists to deliver a pasta and cocktail masterclass that will immerse viewers in the “Italian art of slow dining.” The Pernod Ricard-owned spirits brand’s ambassador Dani Umoette and…
There’s a point in the classic 80s flick Cocktail where Tom Cruise’s character Brian Flanagan refers to himself as “the last barman poet,” and he spits out a variety of mixed drink titles, most of…
The first time we found ourselves being offered a Last Word, they had us at “Green Chartreuse.” This prohibition-era cocktail isn’t for the weak of heart (or wobbly kneed), but if you’re looking for something…